As part of our aims, we offer a range of services to help the local community.

Elderly Services

This is an innovative project that aims to empower older people by providing mentally and physically stimulating activities to all older members of our community. The service is designed on a ‘hub and spokes’ model. The aim is to empower older people to become more independent and enable them to make wise choices for themselves by educating them and connecting them to available services.

Services for Women

The Executive Committee is planning to set up a Women’s Steering Group, which will be designed to reflect on the needs of disadvantaged women by allowing them to meet and share common interests. Through this steering group, disadvantaged women will be given the opportunity to build their confidence, enhance self-esteem and support them into further self-development via training, education or employment.

Health Development

A) Healthy Lifestyle Project, consists of three elements:

  1. Health Needs Analysis investigating the diet, the level of physical activity and prevalence of obesity and any other health needs within the community. The analysis will inform us as to the health needs within the community.
  2. Health awareness sessions on healthy eating, physical activity and obesity awareness run by professional trainers as part of the information gathering process.
  3. Three further awareness raising sessions run by professional trainers addressing the three most prevalent health issues within the community identified through the health needs assessment.

B) Health Promotion:

The YCA with kind permission and assistance from the YCA (Sandwell)   have produced informative and educational health leaflets that have been targeted to the specific needs of the community. The leaflets highlight and discuss the main health issues that affect the community such as high blood pressure and diabetes. These leaflets are available both on the association website and in the main office.